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Barbie Parade by Angelo Bioletto

In the field of illustration in Barbie's world there is so little information. Often artists names didn't trascend, maybe because some of them were graphic art workers for Mattel and their names didn't sign their works but one of them who did trascend was Angelo "Nino" Bioletto.

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Kanekalon Hair

Humans have worn wigs for centuries but, after some decades of oblivion, the mid 20th saw them in vogue again. Natural hair was expensive and wigs made by "doll hair" material looked artificial... until kanekalon.

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French Cancan

Let's travel to the Belle Époque and go to the Moulin Rouge in the last decade of the 19th century where the Cancan was the star dance, Touluse Lautrec painted and other artists sought inspiration by drinking absinthe.

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Wedding Day Set

Over the years, Barbie, has dressed as a bride on countless occasions but she has never been really on her way to the altar...

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Barbie Superstar, making an icon

The Superstar Barbie facemold always has been one of the most beloved and famous. It responded to a change of the society in the 70s and a difficult time at Mattel due to the oil crisis that affected the plastic production and that asked for something that improved the sales.

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