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Brides in white satin.

Despite never having been officially married Barbie is probably the doll that has been dressed as a bride more times in history. Her first wardrobe already included the Wedding Day Set but, apparently, Barbie was only modeling because marrying Barbie in the story would spoil the game so she would never go to the chapel but she would dress as a bride countless times going with the fashion decade by decade since her birth to nowadays.

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My Little Pony, origins

The authorship of My Little Pony is a tennis match in which everyone wants to take credit, but what is true is that the designer was Bonnie Zachery, who expressed her wishes to have a horse as a child un the line. The horse would have to be small and with long hair to comb like a doll. The success of My Little Pony was served ...

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Barbie and Puccimania

In the 90s the "Puccimania" rebirthed when Pucci's daughter took the reins of the emporium and people went crazy again. In 1992, the same year of Pucci's death was born one of the best seller Barbies of all the times Totally Hair Barbie, inspired by Pucci.

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Barbie rag doll.

Who has never had a rag doll? Their softness and easy production have made them perfect to be a first toy to give to the little ones since  immemorial times to comfort them and to teach them to take care of the others. In past times this teaching was something relegated exclusively to girls but, fortunately, today it is more extended to both sexes with demonstrable benefits, like boosting self-steem and developing creativity and emphaty.

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Chabel, trip to the Spain of the 80s

Chabel, if not the queen, was the princess in many Spanish boys and girls homes in the 80s, but Feber had not invented anything new since Chabel was the Spanish version of "Rika-Chan" by Takara, a doll born in the Japan that Barbie could not conquer.  

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